android wifi without data plan

Getting a smart phone that has WiFi (802.11x) capabilities without.
GoPhone Smartphone usage without data plan using WiFi - Howard Forums.
I used HTC (unlocked from TMobile) on ATT for about a year in 2010. I don't remember whether it was recognized on the website or not but I.
Wi-Fi without a data plan - Rogers Community.
I purchased BB 8900 thinking that I can use wifi without having a data plan. But customer service person told me that without data plan it is not possible to access.
Apr 26, 2013. Turns your Android phone into a free WiFi Hotspot - no rooting or tether plan. the same phone data plan you have and no tether plan needed.
Nov 8, 2012. same deal.very disappointed! how to download a fix now without wifi nor a data plan! terrible! Reply with quote Reply Link ±0 (0 votes).
android wifi without data plan
android wifi without data plan
Do i have to have a data plan to use wifi with my. - AT&T.All WIFI enabled BlackBerry devices definitely work just fine on WIFI without a data plan, just certain things will not work, like some apps and also BBM. Hope this.

Oct 26, 2009. Hey do you guys know if you can get this phone without a data plan? is the original Verizon Android Forum! you would get if you buy a gps unit at the store) can get on a WiFi network to surf the internet.
Can a DX connect to wifi without a service plan? - Android Forums.
My mom wants to get a new phone, and I would love to help her to get a phone that had YNAB on it, however.
Sep 14, 2012. I don't have any data plan, and I want to be able to download free apps, and update. hey u can download apps from android through wifi….
How to Wifi Tether ANY Rooted Android Smartphone or Tablet.
FoxFi (WiFi Tether w/o Root) - Android Apps on Google Play.